PRP Injections

PRP or Platelet-rich plasma uses injections of a concentration of your own platelets. PRP can then be injected or applied to the skin during microneedling (Vampire Facial), stimulating your body's collagen production. 

After your PRP Injection, you'll most commonly experience smoother skin texture due to improved collagen formation, increased radiance, and fresher, younger-looking skin due to the influx of vital nutrients.​​

PRP Injections in Surprise, AZ 85374 | Rain Aesthetics


  • Platelet-rich plasma is a serum derived from a patient’s own blood to concentrate the specialized cells for use in healing treatments. Whenever a person suffers a scrape or cut, platelets rush to the site of the wound to stop the bleeding. Platelets get their name from their unique shape: they are round and flat, much like a dinner plate. This makes them ideal for clotting since they block the body from spilling excess blood.

    But one platelet cannot seal a wound by itself. What makes platelets so impressive is their ability to communicate with each other. Platelets send chemical signals to “organize” into a cohesive mesh. This mesh seals off an injury and patches it like a healing blanket, powered by the body’s intricate chemistry.

    By isolating platelets from a modest blood sample, NP Yagmur can generate PRP, which stands for platelet-rich plasma. This compound amplifies the amount of platelets in the sample and purifies them for re-injection into the body, where it is most needed.

    1. Facial Rejuvenation: PRP enhancement injections will help the skin’s texture and final result in pre-injected areas. This process has been advertised as the Vampire Facelift®.

    2. Scar Revision: Injecting PRP directly into a scar or Microneedling with PRP are effective treatments for scar revision. Microneedling is the process of creating tiny micro-injuries in the skin with microneedles. It is also known as collagen induction therapy (CIT), Platelet-rich plasma is then placed on top of the tiny holes to be absorbed into the skin.

      When PRP is injected or applied to the skin post-Microneedling, it acts as a trigger to revive the healing process via new cellular generation of fibroblasts, collagen and elastin. The renewed healing can result in more orderly collagen remodeling, better skin tone, and more natural-looking tissue. Results will be gradual (up to 6 months) as new collagen is being produced. Depending on the severity of the scar, multiple treatments may be necessary. Any area of the body with a scar can be treated with PRP (burns, wounds, injuries and acne). It can also significantly improve the appearance of stretch marks, which some consider a scar.

    3. Hair Growth: Platelets can stimulate the dermal papilla cells located at the base of your hair follicles. When properly activated, your follicles increase their production of beta-catenin, the protein associated with new hair growth. By stimulating follicles at their roots, PRP elevates your body’s ability to generate lustrous hair.

  • The treatment of PRP involves a fraction of blood, collected or ‘drawn up’ from the individual patient into a syringe. The collected blood is then spun down in a special centrifuge to separate its components. The platelet-rich plasma is then reinjected, and/or micro-needled back into the skin.

  • Typically, a PRP treatment takes between an hour or two to complete. This depends on if the PRP is administered through injections only, and/or micro-needled into the skin.

  • Some mild discomfort may be felt while the PRP is being reinjected. The sensation typically felt is a burning or tingling sensation. This sensation only lasts a few minutes after the PRP is injected. We ensure our patients are comfortable throughout the entire PRP treatment and apply topical numbing cream and ice to aid any discomfort.

  • Results from PRP injections can be seen for many years after treatment; However, these results vary due to the individual’s natural variation in quality of Platelet Rich Plasma, as well as their lifestyle. While we cannot stop the aging process, we can slow it down. Results from PRP injections can be extended with proper at-home skincare maintenance. Rain Aesthetics offers a Biojuve Skin Line which is clinically proven to create significant improvements in the appearance of texture, tone, pore size, fine lines, wrinkles, and photodamage.

  • Technically, PRP can used to treat areas of the body. For cosmetic purposes, PRP is most popularly used to treat the face and neck.

  • There is no downtime associated PRP injections; However, after your treatment, your skin may be red. This is normal and to be expected. Redness usually lasts from one to 24 hours. You may also have a little swelling in some areas. Due to this, some patients like to be treated towards the end of the week, so they have the weekend to recover. Healing time varies from patient to patient. Healing may take longer if PRP injections are paired with micro-needling.

  • Results can be seen after one treatment, but the exact amount of treatments needed varies from patient to patient. Generally, 2‐3 treatments are advised, but more may be indicated for some individuals.

  • PRP used for aesthetic procedures are safe for most individuals. There are very few contraindications with PRP injections. The most common side effects associated with PRP injections are mild to moderate swelling and redness.

  • During your consultation, and assessment will be made to ensure you are the right candidate for PRP injections. Patients with certain health conditions are not a candidate for PRP injections. Patients who are pregnant are not candidates for PRP injections.